1. Vibrating compactor and cooling conveyor - site assembly and start-up - Storvik, Russia

  2. Equipment for the aluminium smelter - Storvik, Norway

  3. Delivery of Sicon conveyor - Contitech, Germany

  4. Basic design of the mixing center and belt conveyors Power plant Kostolac, Organak CMEC, Serbia

  5. Delivery of tail dock - Job Air Ostrava


  1. Vibrating compactor and cooling conveyor - Storvik, Russia

  2. Modification of the production line for silicon smelter - Storvik, Norway

  3. Delivery of Sicon conveyor - Contitech, Germany

  4. Delivery of roller and belt conveyors - Rockwool International A/S, Denmark

  5. Delivery of wing dock - Czech Airlines Technics Praha


  1. Steel structure of paint booth - Kovolak s.r.o.

  2. Reconstruction of SICON conveyor - Contitech, Germany

  3. Splitting band saw - Qubiqa A/S, Denmark

  4. Maintenance tail dock - Czech Airlines Technics, Prague

  5. Installation cart for helicopters - Bell Helicopters a.s. Prague


  1. Feasibility study - Heating Plant Otrokovice.

  2. Splitting band saw - Rockwool International A/S, Vyborg, Denmark

  3. Anode manipulator - Storvik, Norway

  4. Anode mold manufacturing - Storvik, Norway

  5. Edge trimmer - Roxul, Canada

  6. Workshop drawings - SEMO Machinenbau, Germany


  1. Belt conveyor system for sinter, Arcelor Mittal a.s.Ostrava

  2. SICON conveyor - Precheza a.s., Prerov

  3. Belt conveyor - Chemoprojekt Nitrogen a.s.

  4. Buffer conveyor line  - Rockwool International A/S, Bohumin

  5. Conveyors for pellets - Trinecke zelezarny, Trinec

  6. Splitting band saw - Rockwool International A/S, Vyborg, Russia

  7. Anode mold manufacturing, Storvik, Norway 


  1. Basic design of the cutting section - Rockwool International A/S, USA

  2. Ash handling conveyors design- Vitkovice Gearworks a.s.

  3. Process belt conveyors -  BKB Metal a.s. Ostrava

  4. Conveyors unloading - DIO s.r.o. Hradec Králové 

  5. Design of Reconstruction tripper car - Bohemia Muller  

  6. SICON  conveyor  - Vetropack Moravia glass, Kyjov

  7. Lamellas cooling zones - Rockwool International A/S, Bohumin

  8. Design of conveyor line  - NKZM Nikolajevo, Ukraine

  9. Process equipment for biomass - MULCON, The Netherlands

  10. Splitting band saw - Rockwool International A/S, Denmark, Malaysia                                                  


  1. Detail design for crushing plant - Vitkovice Gearworks a.s.

  2. Basic design for pipe conveyor - Arcadis Plzen

  3. Reconstruction of Edge Trimmer - Rockwool International A/S, Poland

  4. Belt conveyors and elevator - Chemoprojekt a.s., Moscow 

  5. Basic design of the Cutting section - Rockwool International A/S, China

  6. Heavy duty saws - Rockwool International A/S, Germany


  1. Skip elevator, ODES s.r.o. Jaromer

  2. Reconstruction belt conveyors, Power Plant Opatovice a.s.

  3. Cutting section - Rockwool International A/S,Tatarstan, Russia  

  4. Cooling zone - Rockwool International A/S,Tatarstan, Russia

  5. Raw wool collection - Rockwool International A/S,Russia

  6. Process line - Rockwool Flechtingen, Germany

  7. Grooving machine - Rockwool International A/S, Saint Eloy Les Mines, France


  1. Chute reconstruction for glass batch handling - Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s., Kyjov

  2. Glass batch handling for new furnace  - Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s.  

  3. Transfer points reonstruction  - Power Plant Opatovice

  4. Steel structure for Luis Vuitton Museum Paris - DT Mostarna a.s. Prostejov

  5. Bin for slag - Heating Plant, Ceske Budejovice  

  6. Reconstruction of conveyors - Power Plant Prunerov

  7. Cooling conveyor - Rockwool International A/S, Spain


  1. Double screw trough changing - PLTEP Plzen  

  2. Transfer points reconstruction - IPO Power Plant Opatovice  

  3. Biomass handling and storing - AIRTECHNIC Praha  

  4. Glass batch handling Furnace 52 feasibility study - Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s.  

  5. Project and shop drawings of bucket elevator - Cement plant Mokra  


  1. Reconstruction of the SICON conveyor - Lasselberger Plzen 

  2. Reparation of the crane - CSA Prague 

  3. Maintenance tools for disassembly of aircraft engine -CSA Prague  

  4. Spare parts for tripper car SVZ 100/13,5 - Repair shop Kadan  

  5. Workshop documentation Polysius Austria - Scheuch Austria  

  6. Engineering for conveyor - Comvex Romania  

  7. Workshop documentation Kronopol Zary - Scheuch Austria  

  8. Workshop documentation Heggenstaller - Scheuch Austria  

  9. Deign of homogenisation plant - ELEM Macedonia  

  10. Delivery of spare rotor for crusher - ELEM Macedonia  


  1. Delivery of bins - BKB Metal Ostrava  

  2. Air craft B327 maintenance platform - CSA Praha Ruzyne  

  3. Reconstruction of conveyers for wet ash - Vítkovice Heavy Machinery a.s.  

  4. Reconstruction of the production shop - ECOREC s.r.o.  

  5. Feasibility study of the coal handling plant - Power plant Opatovice  

  6. Engineering of the suction arm VAN AALST - STM, The Netherlands

  7. Static calculation of VD arms - STM, The Netherlands

  8. Delivery of 500 kW gearboxes - REK Bitola Macedonie  

  9. VD Steel structure for gas piping - Scheuch, Austria  


  1. Design and delivery of the crane for coke storage - NKM Noell, The Netherlands 

  2. Modification of tripper car - CEZ a.s Power plant Melnik  

  3. Glass cullet handling turn-off from recycling line - Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s.  

  4. Study of biomass handling - CEZ a.s., Elektrárna Tisova,AES Bohemia  

  5. Transport of the biomass - CEZ a.s. Power Plant Porici  

  6. Reconstruction of the coal handling plant - HEINNLICH Litomerice  

  7. Air craft A 320 maintenance platform - CSA Praha Ruzyne 

  8. Biomass handling - REMOV Most  

  9. Delivery of the crane - STM, The Netherlands  


  1. Delivery of conveyor type C for horizontal and vertical transport with belt Flexowell

  2. 5 pcs of trolley frames for Nordural to Island - NKM NOELL Würzburg Germany

  3. Design of glass fragments handling - Vetropack Moravia Glass, a.s.

  4. Study of handling and storing fertilizer - Lovochemie, a.s. Lovosice

  5. Belt conveyor transfer points reconstruction - International Power Opatovice, a.s.

  6. Biomass handling equipment delivery - CEZ a.s., Power plant Porici

  7. Design and engineering long distance conveyor W1400mm, Length 2 km - COMVEX Constanta Port, Romania

  8. Design and engineering conveyor line - Rockwool International A/S, Neuburg


  1. Transport feeding equipment for unloading of wooden chips and others alternative fuel - Plzeòská Teplárenská a.s.

  2. Delivery of 8 pcs of trolley frames Project Guizhou - NKM NOELL Würzburg, Germany

  3. Belt conveyor for transport of thick sludge - Aliachem a.s. Pardubice

  4. Unloading and feeding of wooden chips - CEZ a.s. Heating plant Dvur Kralove

  5. Shipunloader with rail platform and manipulator arm for Nigeria - STM The Netherlands

  6. 2 pcs mainparts Anode backing crane Alba - STM The Netherlands

  7. Delivery of compesators and Venturi pipe - Hotech Austria

  8. Reconstruction of bogies for tripper car - CEZ a.s. – Power Plant Melnik

  9. Delivery of spare parts for conveyors W1200 and belt wagon PVZ 1800 - Technometal Wardar Macedonia

  10. Delivery of main parts of conveyor - Claudius Peters, France

  11. Delivery of 2 pcs of trailers incuding manipulator arms - STM The Netherlands


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